Urban Sax Les musiciens de l'infini(en anglais)
Format : 29 x 21 22 euros |
QUESTIN Marc-Louis "Tribute to Urban Sax" CD included This book is the first work dedicated to the esthetical, philosophical and poetic dimension of the mythic group Urban Sax. Marc-Louis Questin’s deeply baroque writing fits into a long tradition of tales playing on several levels of sense in the way of the Russian dolls of the Cuban novelist José Lezama-Lima. The theatre of sounds set up by Gilbert Artman’s brilliant compositions redefines the relation of the human being with the universe, with the whirling music of the spheres. The spirit of every invested place is thus pervaded with the seal of these strange ludic and voluptuous symphonies, repetitive and solemn. Ethnology, architecture, scenography and musicology are echoing among the pages of this original study. The play of sounds leads to the awakening, to a serene lucidity, to a renewed and transfiguring vision of the world. Urban Sax remains a major reference in the field of living and performing music, in an unceasing move of urban drift and psycho-geography. This relevant essay shows the power, the beauty and the singularity of this unrivalled music. It is also about an intense meditation on the subtle power of sounds, on silence and void, on the space and the infinite, on the presence of self and the eternal return. Writer, painter, magnetizer and actor, Marc-Louis Questin manages the Eleusis publishing house, specialised in fantastic literature. Founder of the Cercle Dionysos and of the Gothic journal La Salamandre, passionate about Japanese Butô dance, of German expressionism, of illusionism and of experimental cinema, he participates in various projects of groups such as Barbarossa Umtrunk, Electric Press Kit, Heavenly Creatures and The Cemetary Girlz groups. |
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